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Triumph Over the Obstacles
in Midlife and Beyond

Turn midlife into an opportunity instead of a crisis. We’re here to help you write the next chapter of your life.

Our Mission

We help individuals overcome the negative effects of loneliness, isolation, and ageism by offering educational programming that supports personal growth, lifelong learning, midlife transitions, and intergenerational connections.

Our Vision

We envision a future where all people are celebrated as vibrant contributors to society, living purposeful lives, and pursuing their dreams with confidence and fulfillment regardless of their age.

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The Joy of Aging

The Joy of Aging

“Oh, the worst of all tragedies is not to die young, but to live until I am seventy-five and yet not ever truly to have lived.” Martin Luther King Jr. I’m thinking about the Law of Conservation of Energy today. This law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du...

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3 Ways to Grow Whole, Not Old

3 Ways to Grow Whole, Not Old

I’m grateful to Chip Conley, founder of the Modern Elder Academy, for introducing me to the phrase, “Grow Whole, Not Old.” I was feeling as if I was becoming more fragmented as I grew older. I certainly didn’t feel like I was getting better. After all, isn’t aging...

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Reflections of a Grumpy Old Man

Reflections of a Grumpy Old Man

I asked my 86 year old friend, Bill Zaner, why old people were always characterized as grumpy. He quickly replied, “It’s because they’ve been left behind. The world’s having a party, and they’re not invited.” Bill quickly summarized our culture. We divide the...

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