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Triumph Over the Obstacles
in Midlife and Beyond

Turn midlife into an opportunity instead of a crisis. We’re here to help you write the next chapter of your life.

Our Mission

We help individuals overcome the negative effects of loneliness, isolation, and ageism by offering educational programming that supports personal growth, lifelong learning, midlife transitions, and intergenerational connections.

Our Vision

We envision a future where all people are celebrated as vibrant contributors to society, living purposeful lives, and pursuing their dreams with confidence and fulfillment regardless of their age.

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Meditation on a Fly

Meditation on a Fly

I was lying on my back with 20 other meditators listening to the soothing voice of our facilitator as he led us into the present moment. A fly landed on my arm. I instinctively raised my arm to get him away, but of course he returned. I didn’t want to spend the whole...

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Mirror, Mirror on The Wall

Mirror, Mirror on The Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Would you prefer that mirror or a mirror that showed your shadow side, the things about yourself that you need to confront because they’re holding you back and making you unhappy - the things you’re hiding...

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Yabuts As a coach, I’m constantly running into people who only want a quick fix. They’re looking for things to do, not different ways of being. They’re not willing to do the inner work that gets us through the maze of our life. We have a great conversation about the...

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Off Ramps

Off Ramps

I was riding my motorcycle from Houston to San Antonio on IH10 when I noticed an off ramp that led to old highway 90. I had traveled that road many times with my grandmother 70 years ago before IH10 existed. “I wonder what the road is like now,” I said to myself. I...

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7 Ways Elders Make Great Coaches

7 Ways Elders Make Great Coaches

When an elder dies, a library has burned down. When an elder leaves your company, they take the library with them. How can we keep that library of wisdom and experience in the company and make it a shared library? There are five generations in the workplace today:...

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Prayer Without Words

Prayer Without Words

I was sitting on my porch looking at my front yard. My inner conversation sounded like this. “The yard looks terrible. This Texas heat is taking its toll. I don’t know if it will ever recover. Why is my neighbor’s yard so green and thick? I’ll bet he’s watering more...

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Under Construction

Under Construction

We all know that children’s egos are under construction. They’re trying to establish an identity, independence, and they’re learning how to get attention, love, and affection. We understand this as adults and, most of the time, we tolerate their dysfunctional,...

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Six Stages of Change

Six Stages of Change

Change is hard. That’s why 75% of the population of the U.S. is either obese or overweight. In spite of all of the scientific evidence of the health consequences, this epidemic persists in our society. It’s not your fault . . . sort of. We live in a culture that...

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Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the Rain

It was raining. My 9-year old granddaughter said, “Hey PopPop, let’s dance in the rain.” I responded with, “No, Parker. We’ll get soaking wet.” She responded, “Please, PopPop.” In my 79 year old wisdom, I said, “No, Parker. You’ll catch your death of cold.” We went...

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