
Sep 4, 2022 | Encouragement


As a coach, I’m constantly running into people who only want a quick fix. They’re looking for things to do, not different ways of being. They’re not willing to do the inner work that gets us through the maze of our life.

We have a great conversation about the things they want to do in their life, but when the conversation turns to strategies and pathways, the “yabuts” show up. Nasty little creatures that create chaos and confusion

  • Yeah, but I could never do that because I can’t afford it.
  • Yeah, but my spouse doesn’t support me.
  • Yeah, but what if I failed.
  • Yeah, but . . . . (you fill in the blank)

When we’re younger we’re not that concerned about doing all of that inner work. We just want to find the quickest pathway to get us where we want to go which is usually a place that we believe will bring us some form of money, power, pleasure, or prestige. Many of us have been taught that these things will bring us happiness and satisfaction in our life. It’s a rude awakening when we get some of those things and realize that they don’t bring satisfaction or happiness.

As we get older we are more willing to do the inner work to discover who we really are, why we’re here, what we’ve been called to do, and what really matters in our life.

A coaching client, who has been searching for strategies and techniques to become a better manager, recently told me, “To be a good manager, you have to be a good human being.” He took a Hero’s Journey inside himself to find his way through the maze of leadership.

Our minds are wild and unruly places where many of us don’t want to go. That’s where our shadow self resides – that part of ourself that we don’t want to confront or acknowledge. It’s that part of ourself that causes us to say and do things that hurt ourself and others.

If you’re trying to find a meaningful path through the maze of life, do the inner work. It will empower and enrich everything you do in life.

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